You could read Terminus Gate and think author Anthony James really went overboard on this one, that he hit the point of scientific impossibility, that the story is imploding. Or you could read the story as a story, not as a scientific treatise, and enjoy the world building, characters and sheer deluge of action. Do the second. Read and enjoy.
The murderous Dreamer aliens invade humanity and Ghast space via the Helius Blackstar, a wormhole that leads from Dreamer territory to ours. Neither the Ghast nor humans understand the wormhole or know where the other side is located in our galaxy, but both do know that they are fighting a defensive war against a much-advanced enemy. The human Confederation and the Ghast agree to send a joint expedition through the wormhole to scout Dreamer space. Of course our favorite hero and crew get the assignment.
As with the prior novels there are enormous plot holes. For example, how likely is it that we could figure out how to run an enemy warship? Or even bigger question, how could we transit a wormhole??
Nevertheless, try to ignore these impossible points and enjoy the read. Terminus Gate is as entertaining as all the prior novels and it has ratchets up the suspense and derring-do. If Captain Duggan and his crew do not succeed then the Dreamers will keep destroying whatever planets they choose for their minerals, whether someone lives there or not. And several of the Ghast and human planets have large, enticing mineral deposits that make them ideal targets for the Dreamers.
4 Stars
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