Just like the first novel by Tony Bertauski, The Socket Greeny Saga, The Drayton Chronicles reaches in, grabs your heart, and makes you care for the title character. Drayton is an immortal who feeds on the life essence of a dying person. He began as a savage creature, killing as he wished, but learned to be human and to care centuries ago. Now he thanks the people who give him their dying breath and he takes on their unfinished business.
The Drayton Chronicles is a collection of five novellas, each moving one after the other. There is a narrative break between each story, but there are references back and it would be best to read in sequence. The first novella, Drayton The Taker, is a good example. Drayton finds Blake Barnes freezing to death on Mt. Hood and takes his dying breath along with his aching need to apologize to his family. Drayton makes his way to South Carolina where he finds the family and resolves Blake’s true burning regret. He also finds the bully who is making Blake’s family miserable and resolves that problem too.
We are steadily drawn into Drayton by seeing him through the eyes and feelings of the people around him, those that he is helping to pay back the final breath he took from their loved one. One of Tony Bertauski’s gifts is developing strong characters that you care about. With The Drayton Chronicles we seldom venture into Drayton’s minds but see inside the minds of those he is with. With The Socket Greeny Saga, also by Bertauski, we see the main character, Socket, through his own thoughts. Both are powerful, but I found Drayton even more compelling and with more interesting, fully drawn side characters.
The plot was reasonably good as was the setting. The novellas had varied locations and intricate layers of trouble that Drayton had to work his way through before finding the true nugget at the heart of the misery and anguish he came to solve. I found the first novella, Drayton The Taker the best, with Swift the Current and Numbers creepy. Bearing the Cross and Yellow were compelling.
This is not a long novel as all five novellas together are only about 260 pages and is a fast read. I got mine through the author’s generosity as he offered anyone who signed up for his newsletter their choice of a free E book from him. Thank you, Mr. Bertauski for your offer and for the beautifully done characters and story.