Bonnie Milani offered her novella Liquid Gambit as a novella via a give away and it sounded interesting enough to try. In fact it is well-written, with interesting characters and back story.
We meet Rick, a Lupan, tending his bar in the down-and-out section of the next-to-the-bottom deck of space station Bogue Dast, aptly named “Hell” because it’s a short walk to the Void. Most of Rick’s customers are seedy types with young pickpocket and con man Snicket standing out only because of his extreme Mohawk. Rick hates slavers and kills them when he can, so far without being caught, although cop leader Bayliss is itching to get him for murder.
Rick decides to leave Bogue Dast while he can but needs a lot of money to pay off all the bribes to stations and polities who want him dead or alive. He gets his chance when Snicket leaves a vial of Earth water – that he stole from the Mayor – under a bar stool for his mother to find and use to ransom his sister who is held by a slaver and destined for the Mayor.
The action proceeds as we can expect given the characters and the world-building. The plot is good enough to carry the action and show us the people and setting.
The characters are the best part of the story. Rick is the consummate hero, willing to help others even at the cost of his life and livelihood. Policeman Bayliss is interesting, not completely a villain but definitely not a clean cop either.
Rick is the narrator and main character and Milani shows us inside his head and his personality by actions, words plus his memories and thoughts. She does a good job letting us get to know Rick, what drives him. Rick could have been just a stock character until Milani brings to life with her writing.
I liked the novella. I was surprised to see Bonnie Milani authored Home World, which I didn’t care for; she has written other novels and stories in the same universe. Liquid Gambit shows people as people in difficult circumstances, all doing what they can to survive while acting with honor and morals, a satisfying foundation for story.
3-4 Stars