I loved the first book of Eileen Enwright Hodgetts Excalibur Rising series for its intriguing take on King Arthur and its quirky characters who felt like real people. Book 2 was a bit of a let down and Book 3 drops us with a thud. In Book 2 Marcus and the peasant boy Dristan flee Albion to Earth; now in Book 3 Marcus and Todd and Freddie flee from two mob bosses.
Book 3 isn’t much fun. Marcus and Freddie and Todd clutch at straws to find a way back to Albion. Since Marcus just got back to Earth the whole thing feels like we are on a giant treadmill, rushing around and going nowhere.
The basic flow of the book is Freddie and Todd are on the run; Marcus and Dristan get back to Earth; everyone ends up at the inn with a dragon sign; Freddie, Todd and Marcus are now desperate to get back to Albion; Dristan sneaks off and Bors threatens everyone and acts nasty. And at the end we on Earth might have a dragon hatching.
The writing as usual is good and Hodgetts introduces a couple new characters. Kevin, the local crop circle expert is great and Dristan develops as a character.
I am not sure whether I’ll read Book 4.
Book 3 is hard to rate. Let’s say 3 stars. Here are my reviews for Book 1 and Book 2.
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