Jayne Castle wrote After Glow as an immediate sequel to After Dark, both taking place on the planet Harmony in the alien cities that overflow with psi and para energy. After Dark can stand alone although it’s best to read After Glow second to understand the back story and setting.
Once again Lydia Smith finds a dead body, this time Professor Maltby a washed up para archaeologist turned drug addict. Professor Maltby told Lydia he had information about her lost weekend, but the only clue Lydia and her lover Emmett London could find is an old article about a student who also got lost in the catacombs.
There are several sex scenes, about 2-3 pages long, no blasphemy and virtually no vulgarity. Overall I recommend this if you enjoy romance/suspense set in unique worlds.
There are two main plots, Lydia digging into whatever Maltby wanted her to know, and Lydia intervening to keep Emmett from being challenged to a ghost hunter duel. Just as I found with After Dark, the plots and characters in After Glow and the other Harmony novels tend to blur together. The books are entertaining because Castle did a wonderful job building her world of Harmony.
4 Stars
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