If you are in the mood for a cute, easy to read e-book then try Witches Proection Program by Michael Cash. I read it as an early reviewer through Net Galley and it’s on Amazon with quite good reviews.
Unfortunately I can’t recommend this book more than halfheartedly. It is too silly and the characters are two dimensional, caricatures of evil witches, earnest young men, bitter old men and ambitious corporate execs. The plot starts out OK but the last quarter gets ridiculous as do the characters.
The story has two types of witches living among us regular folks, Davina who are good and Willa who are bad. In this case, thoroughly bad, greedy and wanting to take over the world and put all the men in concentration camps type bad. That’s the background.
The dialogue is partly good and partly wince-worthy. That’s the basic problem with the book, it varies between being quite cute and reasonably entertaining and making me wish I never downloaded it.
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