Mission: Nemisis is the final book in James’ Survival series, a story about humans fighting for their lives against two advanced alien races. Captain James Duggan has helped humans make peace and ally with the first race, the Ghasts. Now he leads the joint effort against the far deadlier threat, the Dreamers.
Captain Duggan leads because he is effective. His superiors continue to throw ever-harder missions at him, and this one is the hardest and riskiest yet. Captain Duggan is to destroy the wormhole that allows the Dreamers to access our territories.
As is true with all 7 books in this series the novel is short, 276 pages, and a very fast read. It took me less than 3 hours to get through Mission: Nemisis. I would have far preferred the author to combine the 7 novels into 4 or 5. The very first novel in the Survival series stands alone but none of the others are self-contained. Each flows into the next with almost no segue pieces that would anchor readers who might have a lag between novels and need a bit of reminding of the preceding story.
Book 7 has a little more character development than do books 2-6, but read this for the plot and excitement.
4 Stars
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