Darius Brasher’s Omega Superhero series started out well. Caped introduces us to Theo and his friends and his world, one where meta humans can become licensed superheroes and fight bad guys, complete with cape, tights and mask. I expected a fast plot with plenty of cliches and was happy to be surprised with a well-written novel peopled with characters and deepening stories.
Second novel, Trials, continues with Theo (aka Kinetic) taking the exhaustive and dangerous tests to earn his license. Unfortunately for him someone is continuing their quest to kill him and isn’t too fussy about how they do it. That murderous threat is one challenge; the others are from the nature of the trials themselves and the moral challenges of using one’s powers to help, not hurt, and friendship.
This series has been quite a find and I’m off to read the third book, Sentinels.
4 Stars
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