Caped: The Omega Superhero is surprisingly enjoyable. Our hero, Theo, is dismayed to find he has the super powers, moreover, that he is an omega class, the most powerful. Theo didn’t know exactly what he wanted to do in life – besides not be a farmer – but being a hero was definitely not his ideal career.
Events take over and Theo decides to embrace his abilities and learn as best he can to control them and take on the role of hero. He is motivated first by revenge, but quickly discovers he has a new family with the other young heros-in-training. Seeing Theo grow into a likable young man takes Caped from a typical adventure to a story with nuances of character, plot and back story plus a bit of humor to keep it lighthearted and a pleasant evening read.
Caped is the first in a series by author Darius Brasher and I intend to read Trials, the sequel.
4 Stars
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