Who would win? A nasty, vicious control freak who happens to be a vampire or a kind, rather normal video game designer? Can the game designer save Wendy/Dawn from the vampire Francis who wants to control and own her, and who, in fact has turned her into a vampire?
Your Name in Fire is an unusual blend of traditional suspense/psychological thriller with paranormal romance. Author Kara Emory develops her story by creating interesting people out of what could have been stock characters, then adds paranormal mystery to top it off. Overall the novel is about people and how they solve what appear to be insolvable problems.
Connor meets Wendy/Dawn working for a video game company on the verge of launching its blockbuster game. The video game launch offers a good backdrop for the action
The writing is quite good with the author using dialogue plus action and inner thoughts to tell us about the people. Flashbacks of events from 18 years earlier help explain the current situation without belaboring the problems.
I enjoyed Your Name in Fire far more than I expected from a newbie author. I typically don’t read books about vampires or video games but was enticed to try because of the great reviews.
4 Stars
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