Heirs of Grace by Tim Pratt came up on BookBub, came up on Amazon recommendations, came up on Goodreads. I’m not sure just why it comes up so much as the novel is OK but nothing great.
The plot is pretty basic. Youngish woman inherits an old house complete with ancient magic (source never explained) along with a good-looking lawyer bound to server her and some creepy half-siblings. Two of the siblings want to kill her, but she manages. So far so good, not terribly original or compelling, but this type of novel can be a fun read if the characters are good.
Heirs of Grace just misses. Main character Bekah is OK, her romantic interest is blah, her eldest sister is hung up on pleasing their dead father and her brother is a homicidal power-mad nasty piece of work. None of them feel real and the action and conflicts also slide right past me.
I read Heirs of Grace on vacation and it was engaging enough to finish, but not so good that I will look for more by this author. Thankfully this is a Kindle Unlimited, not a purchase.
Note: There is some cursing and bad language and Bekah is above the petty concerns of normal morality.
3 Stars
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